Big breaths, big moves, big feels, and big insights!

MWL is a heart forward yoga studio where you are given permission to show up and be seen as your glorious, messy, magical selves in a supportive and welcoming environment. We deliver a down to earth, thoughtful, and playful approach to yoga-inspired movement. Our classes use storytelling and digestible alignment cues for intuitive and creative sequencing, connecting body and mind.

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Our Mission

We believe that EVERY BODY is invited to the party, art heals, kindness is cool, perfection is overrated, there’s no one way to do yoga, and we are stronger together. Move with love - you’ll feel better.


Move with love
A space
where the dreamers,
the visionaries,
the makers,
the movers,
the shakers,
Those who have been lost
and then found
and then lost again many a times over-
All Choose to come together
To believe in something bigger.
It is a practice.
It begins small.
It starts with the breath.
Becomes a word and some
pep in your step.
It builds to a series of
breaths, of words, of steps.
A mind reset.
A mantra.
A daily commitment.
A conversation.
A connection.
A contagion of kindness.
A reminder that it is
worth it to move with love.
And again.
And again.

Core Beliefs

Pro Black Lives Matter, Pro LGBTQ+, Pro Choice, Pro Immigrant, Pro Public Schools. We want all bodies to be seen, heard, valued, and included – liberation for one is liberation for all. We are committed to creating a safe, accessible, inclusive, and diverse community within our movement space.


Founder's Story

The words “Move With Love” found its way to me from a place that’s hard to describe, but its impact was crystal clear when I needed it most. Living in a cramped East Village apartment, feeling lost and alone, I stumbled upon Marianne Williamson’s book, A Return to Love. In the midst of my struggles, three words came to mind – MOVE WITH LOVE.

This mantra became my compass. I tagged it on tote bags, walls, and even on my body. It led me on a journey through India, Germany, and France, eventually bringing me back to Brooklyn with a dream of establishing my own studio called Move With Love. A home where people from all walks of life could come together, using movement and community to feel better, breathe deeper, and embrace their wonderfully messy imperfect selves. 

Fast forward to 2020 and the onset of the pandemic. Matt, Frankie, BB, and I found ourselves relocating to Philly, the city and neighborhood that raised me – Mt. Airy. And then, in July 2022, a vacant space became available for rent, right across from where my mother launched her Real Estate career 40 years prior, and where I sat on her desk as a baby when she couldn’t afford daycare. My dream studio didn’t happen in Brooklyn, but that feels like it was meant to be. So here I am, back home–a little older, a little wiser– welcoming you to move with love together.



The Team

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Hi! I am Holly (she/her/hers) , but you can call me Bird.  I have had a love affair with movement my entire life and it all began in a roller dance class in Mt.Airy. Those skates became a BFA in Modern dance from University of The Arts in Philadelphia. Modern dance led me to NYC where I danced for local companies and apprenticed with The Martha Graham Dance Company. Dance brought me into the world of yoga, where I searched for a movement practice that uplifted vs critiqued and used the body to transform the mind. I have 10,000+ hours of teaching under my belt, 1000+ hours of training from Yoga to Positive psychology to anatomy, I have led 30+ Yoga teacher trainings, and I have 15 years of teaching experience within New York City, Seattle, California, and Philadelphia. I have taught on the Steps of the Brooklyn Museum and Yoga at Bryant Park, as well as,  for numerous studios- Yoga to the People, Vera Yoga, Tangerine, Heatwise, Jewel City Yoga, YogaSpark, The Yoga Room, NP Rock, and currently teaches in and around New York City and Philadelphia. My classes are a combination of all of my training- dance, vinyasa yoga, hatha, restorative, Katonah yoga, meditation, breath-work, prenatal/postnatal, applied positive psychology, and art. They are filled with love, levity, play, spirituality, and Philly sass. My classes are inspired by the world around me and the world within me which makes them creative, alignment-based, and themed practices that can revolve around a myriad of topics from a painting at The Met to an ancient yoga text. Mainly, I want to empower my students to feel good in the body they live in one breath at a time and to always trust their inner teacher.

Kayla Ankeny Allamou


A daughter of Germantown and Mt Airy, Kayla started practicing yoga from VHS tapes in her mom’s living room when she was 14. She became totally obsessed and her practice has been her means through the madness ever since. Her interest in movement expanded she trained in Bellydance and then got hooked on Capoeira which overtook her life for ten years. Finding herself more and more drawn to the liberatory aspects of movement she began to channel her desperate desire to save the world into her studies of Massage and Thai Bodywork while incessantly turning cartwheels in the Capoeira academy and studying for her BFA in dance at Temple. In 2009, Kayla decided to make it official with her love of yoga and completed her 200 hour YTT at Dhyana Yoga in Philadelphia and began teaching in the greater Philadelphia area. Kayla moved to Casablanca, Morocco in 2013 and began teaching Yoga, Pilates, Barre and Capoeira in her second home town for 3 years. Upon returning to Philadelphia she completed her comprehensive Pilates teacher training at Drexel with JMO (Jennifer Morley) and continued her Yoga training with Alex Auder, Marni Sclaroff and Shiva Rae (for her 300 hour). Now a mom of 2 crazy kids, Kayla finds cultivating a connection to the core through Pilates to be crucial on an emotional and physical level. On the yoga mat, she draws on her diverse movement experience (therapeutic and choreographic) to delve into the practice. Her classes often utilize a mytho-poetic lens to find explore the deep wisdom in the yoga tradition and beyond.

Abby Klein


Abby has taught and practiced movement for over 20 years. Her long background in the alternative medicine space informs her perpetual fascination with the body and its ability to heal. Abby is a 2003 graduate of the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture and in more recent years directed her practice toward gut health, becoming trained as a Colon Therapist. She is also a veteran DJ having traveled the world DJing since she was a teenager, and credits being born and raised in Philly with her obsession with music and with records and the power of fun.

Gabbi Jane


Gabbi's passion and study of movement started 10 years ago. Experiencing movement as a catalyst for deep healing & transformational growth, Gabbi became an ambassador of movement inspiring people to move their bodies out of love and curiosity. Graduating from West Chester University in spring of 2020, offered the unique opportunity for Gabbi to take an alternative approach to her career path. She started a challenge for herself called The Pursuit of Happiness, a 365 day journey to reconnect with authentic Joy and deepen self- awareness. Spending that year being an intentional, conscious student of life, consistently journaling, hiking, practicing yoga, reading, roller-skating, and so much more! In honor of what set her soul on fire, she left her full time sales career and continued in pursuit of her passions. In 2021, she became a Registered Yoga Teacher & Certified Holistic Wellness Coach. Since then, she has dedicated her career to creating experiences for curious self-healers to feel supported & connected when seeking their truth. In addition to her 200 hours of Hatha Vinyasa, 75 Hours of Trauma Informed yoga, and coaching certifications, she is also, Reiki 1 certified, Pilates Trained, and an emerging Sound Healer while currently studying to become a Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist. Gabbi's intention in her work is to help her client's & students to build a stronger foundation of home within their bodies. She is a strong believer that no matter shape, race, or gender, we all deserve a safe space to explore & express through movement. After a session with gabbi you can expect to feel grounded, connected, and open to the abundant possibilities that exist for you.

Maegan D'Amato


The breadth of Maegan’s experience comes from being a Licensed Clinical Social worker, through which she currently provides mental health care to the larger Philadelphia community. However, it was Maegan’s own personal mental health journey that brought her to yoga practice in 2014, where she found great benefit in the use of yoga as a therapeutic practice for healing her trauma. In 2017, Maegan took this further as she gained education as a mindfulness meditation teacher, which truly sparked her journey in becoming a yoga teacher. Maegan received her 200-hour yoga teacher training with Daya Yoga in Brooklyn, NY in the spring of 2020. Since then she has completed certifications in Trauma Sensitive Yoga through the Center for Trauma and Embodiment, as well as training in somatic trauma therapy through the Embody Lab. Maegan is currently enrolled in an advanced 300-hour IAYT training with Prema Yoga in NYC, where she is deepening her knowledge in yoga therapy and Ayurvedic medicine. Maegan is also a Reiki Level I practitioner, receiving her training in 2016 through the Usui lineage at Maha Rose Center for Healing in NY. Maegan combines all her experiences in the mental health world, both professionally and personally, to provide classes that are trauma-informed and healing in nature.

Emily Lenhard


Emily began practicing yoga in the early 2000s as a way to improve her posture. She quickly began to realize a newfound comfort and ease in her body and became a devoted practitioner. This led to enrolling in a teachers training program in 2008. Since then she has completed courses and workshops in Ayurveda, posture sequencing, Thai yoga massage, anatomy & physiology, the Yoga Sutras, yoga for classrooms, and has spent several years studying the ashtanga lineage. She is currently enrolled in a 850 hour comprehensive Yoga Therapy training and expects to finish in 2024. Emily believes yoga extends far beyond the postures taught in classes and tries to inspire that belief in anyone who comes to practice with her. In her class you can expect a breath centered practice, focus on building both strength and flexibility, playful transitions, and moving with intention. She is grateful to all her teachers for their knowledge, guidance, and patience.

Mara Lileas

Guest Teacher

Mara Lileas (Guest Teacher) is all about dismantling some stigmas around yoga. You will find that her teaching style is non judgmental, all inclusive, and grounded in authenticity. Since 2012 she has taught thousands of yoga classes, owned and managed studios, and ran weekend yoga retreats. “By focusing on healthy anatomical movements and postures, we can take care of our bodies and minds. I hope to help people connect with their body and breath in a way that feels good to them. I believe there are a lot of right ways to move our body, lets find the ways that work for you”

Sara Schwartz

Guest Teacher

Sara is the founder of Riot Alliance, a Philadelphia-based sound healing and jewelry business with a social justice mission. Transformed by her personal experience with stress relief and grounding through sound, Sara became a certified Sound Healer to share this practice in community. As a Licensed Social Worker with a background in trauma-informed care, Sara has a deep understanding of healing-centered practices offering immersive sound bath experiences that support participants to experience restful release in a welcoming, safe environment. Central to her work is the honoring of indigenous sound healers and a commitment to making sound healing accessible to marginalized communities. Sara completed a 100-hour certification in Sound Healing with the Sage Academy of Sound and leads multiple group and private sound healings monthly. She loves the accessibility and intergenerational community of sound meditation, and is grateful to her sound healing teachers and collaborators who continuously teach her more about this practice and its benefits. Missions aligned and Sara could not be more thrilled to be a part of the Move With Love community! In her free time you can find her practicing yoga, dancing to all the live music, and yes, she bleeds green :)

Candace Stevens


Candace grew up studying music and dance, was first drawn to yoga through the lyrics of George Harrison in high school. She studied Philosophy in college and is interested in exploration of meaning, consciousness, the nature of reality and creativity. This exploration deepened with the study of Clinical Psychology in graduate school while concurrently going through her first yoga teacher training, where she became deeply fascinated by the mind body connection. Candace has been teaching yoga since 2010 and draws from numerous lineages; from dynamic, creative, free-flowing sequencing from Shiva Rea, to mindful, grounded, trauma-sensitive practices from Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Candace employs an eclectic approach with the intention of best meeting the needs of the class in any given moment. Her teaching is strongly influenced by her work as a mental health therapist, and she sees the practice of yoga as a way to deepen mental and emotional connection and healing. Class themes are often tied to the cycles of nature. She loves to lead speciality workshops and hold retreats to facilitate deeper experiences. In addition to vinyasa, Candace loves teaching yoga nidra, yin, restorative, and a fusion of yoga and dance. She is a poodle enthusiast, loves the desert, and deeply enjoys napping on the couch.

Studio Etiquette

Better Early than Late!

Arrive 10 – 15 minutes prior to the start of class. Time is a commodity and it is fleeting fast. This means we lock the front door and start right on time! We want you to get every minute out of your practice – you deserve it!

Leave the outside world behind!

Please leave your cell phones silent or on do not disturb in the cubbies by the bathroom. If you must have it beside your yoga mat, this might not be the best time for you to practice because you are needed elsewhere.

Make space!

We lay our mats on the black brackets to create rows so that there is plenty of room for folks as they enter to practice.

Leave it better than you found it!

We ask that you spray down and clean your rental mats/blocks after every class. Hang up the wet mats to dry. Put away the bolsters, blocks, and neatly fold the blankets. If you've had tea, please wash your teacups in the bathroom, and leave to dry on the rack by water cooler.

Scent free!

No strong perfumes or scents, some friends might be allergic or sensitive to certain smells.

Information is Key!

Please inform the teacher before class of any injuries, medical conditions, pregnancy or other concerns so that we can best assist your body.

You are the boss!

We offer the option for hands on assists– please let us know if this is not for you AND you are ALWAYS welcomed to change your mind either for them or against them.

This is not boot camp!

We offer suggestions and you make the decisions because no one knows your body like you do. Listen to your body, take breaks when you need, and keep going when you can. Childs pose or a yoga nap is always welcomed!

Our prenatal classes are only for the pregnant practitioner!

We appreciate that your birth support team wants to join and support you on your prenatal journey. However, due to the nature of our prenatal classes, we kindly request that only the pregnant practitioner attends. Thank you for your understanding!

Stay for the whole shebang!

Endings are just as important as beginnings, please don’t leave until class has finished, there’s power in closure.

This is a Practice, not a performance!

In this space, it is not about touching your toes, or getting it right, or fitting into some preconceived notion of a shape or body size, you are good, you are loved, and you are enough. Please be kind to you and move with love.


Arrive 10-15 minutes early and we will get you familiarized with the space. We have all the prop accessories – blocks, blankets, bolsters, and straps – so that the yoga meets you were you are. We have beverages for sale or a water cooler to fill up your bottle.

Don’t worry, we have all had a first time AND we all made it to the other side and so will you! First things first, be kind to yourself and take things at your own pace. Let the teacher know, so they can give you a little extra TLC. Set up your mat in the middle of the space so you have a 360’ degree reference of folks around you. Wear comfy workout clothes. Any of our classes are welcoming to beginners unless otherwise noted.

Don’t worry, we gotcha, please spray and clean your mat after class.

We do not have lockers. But we do have cubbies to store your valuables. The studio will be locked once class starts and will remain locked until class has finished.

Yup! You can sign up prior to class here.

Class begins right on time and the doors will be locked at the start of class. If you are not checked in 5 minutes prior to class, your spot maybe given away, and your class will be forfeited without a refund.

Sign up anyways and you will automatically be added to the waitlist. The waitlist opens 5 minutes prior to class time. As spots open up, you will be added to class on a first come/first serve basis.
You'll feel better.

We currently offer three types of movement classes — click below to see our upcoming schedule.


